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Whitney Rodriguez
Oct 10, 20223 min read
Pet Parent’s Guide to Local Pet Ordinances
As pet owners, we all strive to maintain the best possible care for our furry family members. Aside from general daily care, it is also...

Dr. Rachel Geller
Jul 26, 20223 min read
5 Tips to Make Apartment Living with a Cat Easier
The convenience of apartment living has many benefits for us humans but we may worry if our cats can live a happy life in a smaller...

Miranda Carney
Jun 30, 20224 min read
5 Essential Steps to Prepare your Pets for Fireworks
While July 4th is a much-anticipated summer holiday for humans, it can be scary and traumatic for pets. Sadly, thousands of dogs will go...

Danit Zivan
May 13, 20222 min read
Community Pet Portal 101
Your Community Pet Portal is a fantastic resource for you and your pet! Each feature offers a unique benefit designed to make your life...

Dr. Rachel Geller
May 2, 20223 min read
5 Tips for Apartment Window Safety for Cats
Cats love looking out windows and watching everything happening outside. But one loud noise or enticing bird could cause your cat to push...

Vera Murri
Mar 28, 20224 min read
A Dog Trainer's Guide to Acclimating your Dog to a New Apartment
Moving could be very stressful for us humans. And most of the time, we don’t even think how stressful it can be for our four-legged...

Dr. Rachel Geller
Mar 10, 20224 min read
Apartment Friendly Litter Box Locations
Cats are good apartment pets. They’re quiet, and they don’t have to be walked or taken outdoors to go to the bathroom. But, this also...

Dr. Rachel Geller
Feb 22, 20224 min read
A Cat Behaviorist's Guide to Acclimating Your Cat to a New Apartment
Moving into a new apartment is a very exciting step for most people, but for cats, the transition to a new environment can be stressful....

Arati Patel
Feb 9, 20223 min read
Resident Spotlight: Soho Lofts
Living in a Bark Building means having access to pet-friendly amenities, from endless treats to a pet concierge who can help answer...

Arati Patel
Jan 22, 20222 min read
Resident Spotlight: Grove Pointe
Living in a Bark Building means having access to pet-friendly amenities, from endless treats to a pet concierge who can help answer...

Dr. Rachel Geller
Jan 18, 20223 min read
A Cat Behaviorist's Guide to Keeping Your Cat Warm in the Winter
We humans can throw on a sweater or a blanket to safely stay warm and to save money if we have drafty windows or don’t want to put the...

Amber Deal
Jan 17, 20224 min read
Choosing the Right Crate for your Apartment Dog
Everyone likes to have a bit of their own space, even your pup! Dogs are denning animals by nature, meaning that most take comfort in...

Arati Patel
Nov 1, 20213 min read
More Reasons to Scoop the Poop...
Living in a pet-friendly building means you share your space with many other pet owners. We all want to take a walk outside and not worry...

Dr. Rachel Geller
Oct 11, 20214 min read
A Cat Behaviorist's Guide to Introducing Your Cat to Your Partner or New Roommate
Introducing your cat to a partner, or a new roommate, is a big step. While it’s exciting to be moving in with someone new, you must...

Arati Patel
Oct 5, 20213 min read
5 Steps to Introduce your Dog to Your Partner or New Roommate
Deciding to introduce your partner or new roommate to your pup is an exciting step to take, but for your dog, that may mean a new person...

Tracie Koehnlein
Sep 18, 20214 min read
Zoom & Zoomies: Top Toys to Keep Your Dog Busy While You Work
Since covid hit more than a year ago, more people have been working from home. Even with restrictions of the pandemic dying down, many...

Arati Patel
Sep 6, 20214 min read
10 Toxic Indoor Plants for Pet Parents to Avoid
We all love to add greenery to our apartments, helping to create a stress-free ambiance. However, many people do not know that common...

Arati Patel
Aug 16, 20213 min read
6 Simple Steps for Adjusting your New Rescue Dog to Apartment Living
Congratulations, you have decided to adopt and bring home a new furry member to your family. Adopting a rescue dog is a rewarding...

Tracie Koehnlein
Jul 30, 20214 min read
7 Little Known Breeds that Thrive in Apartments
When considering what type of dog to bring home, you must consider what breeds will be appropriate for city life. Some of the qualities...

Tracie Koehnlein
Jul 15, 20214 min read
Socializing Your Dog Within your Apartment Building
You and your dog interacting with other dog owners is one of the activities people look forward to the most when living in a pet friendly...
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