Living in a pet-friendly building means you share your space with many other pet owners. We all want to take a walk outside and not worry about stepping into dog poo. Although many people are conscious about picking after their pets, a few may neglect to do so whether they are in a rush or have forgotten a poop bag. Aside from creating a stinky mess for the unlucky neighbor who steps into it, below we have listed the top reasons why you should always pick up after your pet. These reasons may not be as obvious but are extremely important for the health of the environment, our pets, and for us and why it is essential we all keep these in mind when walking our dogs.
Health Hazard for both Humans and Pets
Did you know a single gram of pet waste contains an estimated 23 million bacteria? As a result, dog poop can spread disease-causing bacteria and parasites to humans and our pets. When a dog licks, sniffs or eats the feces of another pet, there is a great chance that harmful bacteria and pathogens are involved. Roundworms, Salmonella, E. coli, Giardia, Parvovirus, are just a few dangerous diseases transmitted. And to make things even more, messier, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection, roundworms and hookworms deposited by infected animals can live in the soil for a long time and may contaminate a large area quickly. These worm eggs and larvae can survive in parks, playgrounds, and yards for weeks and even years. They are the most common types of parasitic worms affecting our pets, and simply picking up after your pet's waste can eliminate this harm for the community.
Stormwater Runoff Problem - It will not break down on its own!
Clean water is vital to all of us. But did you know when pet waste is left on the ground, it is washed by rain and melting snow into our storm drains, rivers, lakes, and other water bodies? Rain does not just wash away the pet waste but increases the spread of bacteria and harmful pathogens into our water sources. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency has listed dog poop as one of the top sources of non-point environmental contamination, which means it comes from more than one source, many dogs! In addition, the bacteria that go directly into the storm drains affect our environment as it is untreated negatively impacts swimming, boating, and fishing in our water bodies.
Disrupting the Ecosystem – Big Problem with Environmental Impact
We often do not think of how the simple act of not picking up pet waste can trigger more extensive problems in the ecosystem. Since dog food contains healthy nutrients, it results in pet waste rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, leading to an imbalance in the ecosystem. When this waste ends up in water bodies such as nearby streams and rivers, it decomposes and releases nutrients that cause excessive growth of algae and weeds. In addition, the excess nitrogen found in the pet waste will deplete oxygen in the ecosystem necessary for wildlife and fish. The water then becomes murky and green and unpleasant for us as we walk by, releasing odors into the air!
It is the Law!
After all, picking up after your pet is the law. Most cities have an ordinance in place to ensure every pet owner picks up after their pet, whether in public or private property. We all want to be good citizens and set a good example for our neighbors!
Encourage a Cleaner Environment
It is up to us to help keep a clean, safe, and comfortable for everyone. Aside from being an odor nuisance, flies and other pest insects can gather around, becoming another transmission source. Most apartment buildings have signage all around letting pet owners know to be responsible and pick up after their pets, along with providing waste bags. However, it is good practice always to make sure you carry extra bags when walking your dog. Then, you will be ready to avoid any surprises! When walking your pup, make sure also to stay away from lawns and or any water source.
As always, we’re happy to bring informative content your way to help keep our furry friends healthy and happy. Make sure to follow @BarkBuildings on Instagram for more tips! Or, if you live in a Bark Building you can always reach out to your Pet Concierge for more specific tips and pet parenting guidance.